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Traditional Kata

Sanchin | Three powers

Gekisai Ichi | Basics 1

Gekisai Ni | Basics 2

Saifa | To rip and tear

Shisochin | Four pillars of peace

Seiunchin | Marches far quietly

Sanseiryu | Thirty-six

Seisan | Thirteen

Seipai | Eighteen

Kururunfa | Forever stops, peacefulness & tearing

Suparempei | One hundred and eight

Tensho | Revolving hands


Kobudo Kata

Gekisai Ichi no bo

Gekisai Ni no bo

Saifa no bo Matsu Higa no bo

Gekisai Ichi no sai

Gekisai Ni no sai

Saifa no sai

Matsu Higa no sai

Gekisai Ichi no tonfa

Gekisai Ni no tonfa

Saifa no tonfa

Matsu higa no tonfa


Meitoku Yagi Kata

Tenchi | Heaven and Earth

Seiryu | Blue Dragon

Byakko | White Tiger

Shujakko | Red Sparrow

Genbu | Black Turtle

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